How does Mindfulness-based therapy help?
You’ve probably heard the phrase before, but what does mindfulness really mean? Mindfulness is paying attention to our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors - with kindness. Kindness is the magical ingredient. We often notice our thoughts or behaviors with frustration, judgment and shame. Without kindness, you’re probably just engaging in the same old thought pattern that leads to the same old behavior - and then wondering, “How did I end up here again?!”
For many, talk therapy isn’t enough.
No matter how many times we’ve told the same story, we’re still stuck in old patterns that don’t seem to change.
All emotions can be tied to physical sensations in the body - your heart racing when you’re nervous, or muscles tensing when you’re mad. Mindfulness-based therapy is about noticing our mind and body’s reactions to life events with kind non-judgment. When you understand your body’s signals and why they’re present, it’s much easier to choose your response instead of having a quick reaction. This builds confidence and a sense of self trust - that you can handle hard moments and stay centered.
Reach out to learn more about how mindfulness based therapy can help you with these topics and more:
Stress management
Anger management
Chronic pain and illness